Monthly Archives: June 2015

The dangers of ischemia and brain injury.

This study of ischemia’s role in the majority of fatal cases of traumatic brain injury [...]

Stem/Progenitor Cells and Lung Tissue Repair

This study demonstrates that stem/progenitor cells contributed to the repair of injured lung in irradiated [...]

L. fermentum used in treatment of alcoholic liver disease.

An experiment with Lactobacillus fermentum used in a mouse model study for alcoholic liver disease [...]

EPCs potential for cardiovascular diseases and ischemic limb therapies.

From a journal of regenerative medicine, this paper discusses the angiogenic factors of EPCs, the [...]

Nattokinase has potential neuroprotective benefits.

This paper details recent research on Nattokinase (a component of natto that has fibrinoytic and [...]

EPCs found elevated in PAH patients.

This article points out that patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) have elevated levels of endothelial [...]

Method of growing blood cells could boost regenerative medicine.

This study reports that using human platelet lysate gel (hPLG) and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) to [...]

Stem cell transplantation in treatments of acute myocardial infarction.

This interview with the Chairman of Cardiology from Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital and College of [...]

Fighting cancer by attacking its blood supply, a paper.

Here is a paper about the cancer-fighting approach of interfering with the network of blood [...]

Pro- and anti-angiogenic molecules and their potential to treat various diseases.

Cancers and various ischaemic and inflammatory diseases all carry the hallmark of pathological angiogenesis. This [...]