Category Archives: Uncategorized
Dietary Solutions to Prostate Health
There are natural ways to promote prostate health, and the easiest way to get those [...]
Stem Cell Therapy: A Rising Tide
Dr. Neil H. Riordan has written a new book on his journey to research with [...]
5 Smart Foods For Your Blood’s Health
There is no substitution for healthy diet and exercise when it comes to blood and [...]
Curcumin found to induce apoptic cell death in leukemia.
Curcumin possesses potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor promoting activities. In this study, curcumin was found [...]
Curcumin’s anti-cancer potential.
This review discusses the anti-cancer potential of curcumin as shown in clinical studies. The conclusion: “All [...]
Electroacupuncture and EPCs
This paper shows that electroacupuncture itself can increase the amount of circulating EPCs in cerebral [...]
Angiogenesis inhibition of tumors from bindweed, an herbal extract.
This article discusses bindweed (ironically nicknamed “the cancer of weeds” for its overabundance in farming) and [...]
Enhanced bioavailability of ellagic acid’s antioxidant potential achieved with phospholipids.
This article talks about the development of improved bioavailability of ellagic acid in rat models, which resulted [...]
The neurobiology of zinc in health and disease.
This review covers the history, use, and scientific significance of zinc in human health.
A variant of Lactobacillus fermentum and its use in treating disturbances of the immune system.
This extensive paper explores a variant of the bacterium Lactobacillus fermentum and its use in [...]